President’s Message – 2018 Spring


Thanks for uniting to support upland game in Utah! Many volunteer hours and donations by members of this foundation and supporting companies enable us to make a difference! We made just over $34,000 at our banquet this year.
It is amazing what we are able to do with $30K+, a dedicated volunteer group, and a respected voice representing outstanding sportsmen/women. We are greatly pleased with the work we are able to accomplish with the UDWR and other agencies like the BLM, SITLA and partnering organizations. Some quality upland projects we are planning on this year include:

  • Finishing the Central Region guzzler projects
  • Install 2-4 Box Elder guzzlers
  • Supporting and volunteering with two youth fairs.
  • Continuing sage grouse and other grouse data collecting projects.
  • Continuing our partnership with the USU/UDWR forest grouse
  • study.
  • Continuing with trapping, transplanting and releasing upland birds.
  • Volunteering and providing input/feedback on many upland projects in the state.

The UCWF pledges to make sure your voice is heard and to ensure that monies dedicated to Utah’s upland game are used in the best possible way. My deepest thanks to the UCWF board, members, donors and volunteers who do so much to make good things happen for Utah’s upland game! Please support our donors first!
Some of our current and future goals are (many of these are long term):

  1. Continue to support Upland research and implementation of research into effective management plans.
  2. Aid in transplanting chukar and building guzzlers in each region.
  3. Continue supporting youth recruitment.
  4. Be involved in upland management decisions.
  5. Be involved in habitat improvement for upland game species including grouse species.
  6. Provide money and a volunteer work force that will help make upland game projects and research happen.
  7. Help create a Utah guzzler crew. 8.) Manage, maintain, and improve our website.
  8. Increase trapping and relocation of valley quail.
  9. Continue to work together with state and federal agencies as well as other wildlife organizations.