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Presidents Message
We hope the spring and summer are treating you well! Thanks to those who have helped with our recent Box Elder Guzzler installs!
We will hold a summer banquet event at Wasatch Wing and Clay on July 10th. See our planned schedule below and the order form in this newsletter. You can also sign up on our website
We only have 100 lunch spots, so please sign up quickly, as we plan to sell out.
Summer Banquet Plan
July 10 Summer Activity/Banquet at Wasatch Wing and Clay – Cedar Fort, UT
- 8 AM – 9 AM Dog Training Presentation – East field area (Bret Wonnacott – Sportdog)
- 8 AM- 11 AM Shooting for fun as you like -bring your gun and ammo or buy ammo at the preserve- (5 stand and trap – pay per round)
- 10 AM – 11 AM Shotgun shooting and proper gun fit presentation on the back porch area (Bob Barrett – Huntsville Gun Shop)
- 11 AM – 12 PM Social hour in the building and porch (prize games, raffles, silent auction)
- 12 PM – 1 PM Lunch Feast (open-grilled Tri-tip, Texas-barbecued baby back ribs, smoked chicken, sweet and savory baked beans, home style potato salad, green salad, canned soft drinks, dessert)
- 1 PM – 2 PM Live Auction and announce silent auction winners (building)
- 2 PM – 3 PM Announce winners of raffles and games (building)
We also plan to have a traditional banquet in Feb. of 2022, as we have in the past.